More than just food
餐厅 at the University of New Hampshire is about more than just food, it's about the experience. Whether you're attending a themed dinner at one of our award-winning dining halls or getting a healthy snack at one of our seven eateries and cafes, eating on campus won't disappoint.
All for food and food for all
Need help navigating the dining hall menus? Have a nutrition concern or food allergy? 我们可以帮忙! Connect with the resources below.
Start your UNH career today! You are invited to our in-person 联合国大学招聘会! Visit us in July and August from 12pm - 4pm at the Dover Chamber of Comme...
Join us to celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Month at Holloway Commons for lunch and Philbrook Hall for dinner on Wednesday, 5月1日, 2024.
In honor of Earth Day, learn how UNH 餐厅 is a proud champion of environmental sustainability.
There are five fantastic stations at 联邦法院 located in the Memorial Union Building. New students or people who just haven't been in a long time m...
学习 about 联邦法院 in the Memorial Union Building
There are five fantastic stations at 联邦法院 located in the Memorial Union Building. New students or people who just haven't been in a long time m...